About Me

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Chuck Jones is an award-winning speaker, trainer, e-learning developer, and professional magician. He holds a B.A. in Psychology and an M.A.Ed. with a specialization in Curriculum and Instructional Design for Adult Learners. With more than 30 years in the corporate training and development arena, he has spoken at many conferences for the E-Learning Guild, Association for Talent Development, and Training Magazine. As a magician, he has performed in close-up, parlor and stage venues throughout the US and can be found most weekends performing at Poe's Magic Theatre in Baltimore, MD. Visit him online (as his stage persona, Chuck Thomas) at www.chuckthomasmagic.com.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

A Performance for You in Honor of National Magic Week

National Magic Week is October 25-31. In honor of this very special occasion, I thought I would dispense from my usual blog and, instead, share a fun piece of magic with you. 

Magician Scott Alexander

But this is not just any piece of magic. In fact, it is a very special piece of magic for me. In 2010, I watched a magician named Scott Alexander perform it on a cruise ship. Here's a photo of him with the effect. I loved it so much that it was what inspired me to want to return to magic later in life after having given up on it as a teenager.  Amazingly, years after seeing Scott perform it, I met him at Denny and Lee Magic Studio in Baltimore, Maryland. Scott became my mentor and friend, and he even taught me the effect which you'll see in this video. I also had the privilege of performing on stage alongside Scott five times in 2021 and 2022.

Sadly, Scott passed away earlier this year at the young age of 52. May he rest in peace as he performs magic for the angels in Heaven!

Peace - and enjoy this very fine illusion! Oh, be sure to watch for the reaction of the lady on the left at the very end of the effect! It is priceless!

This blog post is 100% human-created content.

Chuck Jones is an award-winning speaker, trainer, and e-learning developer as well as a professional magician. He has more than 30 years in the corporate training and development arena and has spoken at numerous conferences including the E-Learning Guild, the Association for Talent Development, and Training Magazine. As a magician, he has performed in numerous close-up, parlor and stage venues throughout the US, including Washington Magic, Elkton Magic, and he can be found most weekends performing at Poe's Magic Theatre in Baltimore, Maryland. Visit him online (as his stage persona, Chuck Thomas) at www.chuckthomasmagic.com.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Unleashing Your Inner Magic: From Rabbits in Hats to Achieving Your Dreams

Magician pulling rabbit from hat

Ask anyone to name a magic trick and you’ll likely hear “pulling a rabbit from a hat.” This awe-inspiring magical effect exemplifies how a magician can defy expectations and create something from nothing. It’s easy to make a comparison between this magical effect and our own capacity as humans to turn our dreams into reality. By setting clear goals, writing a plan, and taking consistent action, we can unleash our own inner magic to turn our dreams into tangible achievements.

Set Clear Goals


While pulling a rabbit from a hat seems ubiquitous today, you would have to go back to the early 1800’s to view it being performed for the first time. Using the same process as today, the magician who created that effect did so by first visualizing the effect – producing a live animal from within a hat that he previously showed as empty. Setting that clear goal was his first step in achieving it. Without a precise target, success would be difficult to achieve. In the same way, imagine someone wanting to start a successful business. Their goal may be to create a product that solves a problem or to generate a certain amount of revenue within the first year. Defining these objectives in concrete terms (often using the SMART process) provides focus in developing a roadmap toward achieving that goal.


Plan and Prepare


Back to our magician. Once he decided he wanted to produce a live animal from a hat, he had to plan and prepare the effect. In the same way, we must create a well-crafted plan to achieve our desires. Imagine wanting to publish a book. The author needs to find out how to get published, develop an outline of her novel, set aside time each day for writing, and then hone her craft. Before she could begin achieving her goal of publishing her novel, she would have to map out the necessary steps to achieve it.


Act Consistently


The magician is the one who produces the effect. Without his action, the effect cannot come to life. It only remains a dream. If we are to achieve our own dreams, we must act consistently and with purpose. Imagine wanting to lose weight. Simply visualizing yourself as thin – without action to make it happen – will not bring about results. Instead, it requires regular exercise, healthy eating, and taking care of yourself to bring about change. Thinking back to our magician, he had to practice and rehearse the effect of pulling a rabbit out of a hat before performing it for a live audience. In the same way, we must work diligently towards our goals, making choices that are aligned with what we want to achieve.


Visualize Success


Our magician friend had to visualize the outcome he sought before he could make it happen. He may have imagined standing on a stage in a crowded theatre, removing his top hat, showing it empty, placing the hat on a stand, making a magical incantation, then producing a live bunny to the thunderous applause of the audience. This vision was a potent tool for him to make it happen. In the same way, envisioning the results we want to achieve – the final product, the personal fulfillment – strengthens our commitment and aligns our actions with our goals.


Adapt and Refine


Once again, our magician is back at it. He has tried four different ways of producing the rabbit from the hat and each has not worked. Through trial and error, he adapted his method each time in the hopes of perfecting his illusion. Similarly, we must be able to adapt and refine as we undergo our own journey to achieve our goal. Obstacles will arise and will require us to reassess our plans. We must be flexible, able to adjust strategies, learn from setbacks, and tweak our approach as we move closer to achieving our goals.


Just like the enchanting illusion of seeing a magician pull a rabbit out of a hat, we each possess the ability to achieve our own desires. We do this be setting clear goals, carefully planning and preparing, taking consistent and purposeful action, visualizing success, and adapting as needed. Doing these things can unlock our inner magic and make our own dreams materialize before our very eyes, creating a richer and more fulfilling life. We each possess this potential – the trick is to believe in our own inner magician!

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Harnessing the Power Within: Unleashing the Magic Principle of Animation in Your Life

Magician Chuck Thomas ties a silk which then immediately unties itself.

Have you ever watched a magician tie a knot into a handkerchief, only to have it seemingly come alive and untie itself? In magic, we call that animation, and it is one of the ten types of magic we magicians perform. Animation is more than just magic, though. It's more than what you see in cartoons or in the movies. We each can apply the principle of animation to improve our own lives and unlock our full potential, ignite our creativity, and bring about our own positive transformation.

Breathe Life into Your Dreams and Goals.

A magician waves his hand, and an otherwise inanimate object seemingly comes to life, giving it purpose. So too can we infuse our dreams and goals with passion and purpose. The major difference, however, is that the handkerchief cannot come to life without the magician giving it power. When it comes to bringing life to our dreams and goals, we are our own magician. Just as that animated handkerchief unties itself, we can transform our dreams into reality when we actively work towards them. Some people wait for their ship to come in, others see the ship on the horizon, dive into the water and swim out to meet it.

Embrace Change and Adapt.

A magician makes a rope uncoil. He shows a card with spots that change color and in number as he shows each side multiple times. These effects represent the power of change and adaptation, and how we can achieve personal growth and resilience when we seek change and embrace it. Adapting to new circumstances, seeking new perspectives, and meeting challenges head on enable us to overcome obstacles and to view setbacks, not as problems, but rather as opportunities.

Become More Creative.

When I first saw a magician make a handkerchief untie itself, I didn’t think it was possible. That’s what the magic principle of animation does. It encourages us to think beyond what seems possible. It motivates us to look into our own imagination and use our problem-solving skills. Unleashing our creativity can lead to some very positive change. When we explore various perspectives and potential solutions, we can achieve personal breakthroughs.

Inspire Others.

Watching a magician bring an inanimate object to life can be an amazing experience for the audience watching it. And it has the potential to leave a lasting impression. As we apply this principle of animation to our own lives and begin to make changes, we may just inspire and motivate those around us to do the same. Have you ever watched someone achieve something and told yourself, “If they can do it, so can I!”

Just as a magician uses the principle of animation to bring objects to life, we can animate our dreams and help them become reality. We can adapt to change. We can become more creative. And we can be an example to others. But just like a magician must practice his routine, so to must we practice implementing animation into our lives. We also must be willing to explore and embrace the extraordinary. The main difference is that, for the magician, animation is merely an illusion. For us, animation can change our reality. 

Challenge your inner magician! Begin your magical journey of personal growth and fulfillment and breathe wonder and excitement to every aspect of your life.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Changing Perceptions as Magician & Corporate Trainer

What do a magician and a corporate trainer have in common? As a magician, I try to captivate and engage my audience, though in different ways. Magicians seek to mystify and entertain through challenging their audiences' perceptions, keeping them in awe and suspense. As a trainer in the corporate arena, I also try to captivate my audience of adult learners. But I do it by delivering training content in an engaging and memorable manner, to help with "knowledge transfer," giving them the tools to apply the knowledge. As a magician, I create moments of wonder. As a trainer, I create moments of enlightenment. In both roles, I try to leave a lasting impression on audience's minds and change perceptions by creating that 'a-ha' moment, the moment when they 'get it.'

In a recent performance at Poe's Magic Theatre in Baltimore, I was able to do just that: change perceptions through creating moments of wonder. Watch this audience member tell how he came to the show not believing in magic, but how his perception changed as the show progressed.

This blog post is 100% human-created content.

Chuck Jones is an award-winning speaker, trainer, and e-learning developer as well as a professional magician. He has more than 30 years in the corporate training and development arena and has spoken at numerous conferences including the E-Learning Guild, the Association for Talent Development, and Training Magazine. As a magician, he has performed in numerous close-up, parlor and stage venues throughout the US, including Washington Magic, Elkton Magic, and he can be found most weekends performing at Poe's Magic Theatre in Baltimore, Maryland. Visit him online (as his stage persona, Chuck Thomas) at www.chuckthomasmagic.com.

In Honor of Worldwide Mentoring Day, a Personal Thank You to My Mentors

Today (January 17) is International Mentoring Day . In the past week, I have posted two blog articles related to mentoring. The first provid...